Buxton Contemporary

The shape of things to come . . .

Buxton Contemporary

One day when doing my daily email spam purge, I came across an email from Melissa Keys, I am ashamed to admit, that at the time I neither knew who Melissa was or that the Buxton Contemporary was in the pipe works. A good friend quickly put me straight. (Cheers Brooke.) Turns out that Melissa had been introduced to my work by Vikki McInnes, who kindly recommended me to Melissa, who in turn enjoyed my portfolio and invited me to install a wall piece in the hall outside the toilets, not much I know, but as any aspiring Melbourne creative would attest it’s a work in the Buxton, and that in itself is enough.

As in most of my previous works I took inspiration directly from the site, drawing from the windows across the corridor to inform the work, it was an ambitious installation to say the least, I had virgin walls to works with, such a treat. These turned out to have mistreated in their installation and paint came straight off the wall with the tape. Was a small nightmare, with a deadline to meet and disaster in the making. I called it Reflections it was a dumb name. I know! Sorry.

I lost my job the day of the opening, was a highlight of my year. It is still one of my favourite works, Thanks to the wonderful photographs taken by Christian Capurro and John Gollings.